Source: Notes in the History of Art, Volume 40 / Number 3 Spring 2021
Editor's Note: The Spice of Life
John Cunnally
Ropes and Knots: Architectural Emulation in Fifteenth- and Early Sixteenth-Century Central Europe and the Origins of Architecture
Marek Walczak
On the Separation of the Arts in Venice: A Neglected Passage from the Statutes of the Stonemasons’ Guild
Lorenzo G. Buonanno
Michelangelo’s Moses in the 1540s
Emily A. Fenichel
Maximiliaan de Hase’s Story of Cyrus Tapestry Series (1771–76) for Empress Maria Theresa
Koenraad Brosens
Keeping, Saving, and Remembering: Manuel Doroteo Carvajal’s Trompe l’Oeil Autograph Drawings as Elements of Rhetorical Visual Strategy during the Colombian Civil Wars of the 1850s and 1860s
Verónica Uribe Hanabergh
Pierre Bonnard’s Books: A Catalogue with an Introduction
Lucy Whelan
Michelangelo in Motion: Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti’s Critofilm Michelangiolo (1964)
Joséphine Vandekerckhove